Are we still hunter 'gatherers'?
I recently recently rented a new studio space to sit quietly and research, to paint, but mostly to hold the huge amount of stuff I have gathered in just a few years. Somehow I have never had enough space, although have been blessed with more than decent homes. And it’s not just me, my husband has not given up on a single mobile handset, or his identity cards or papers and if possible he wouldn't throw a single shroud of cloth. We simply can't stop accumulating stuff. Our phone memories are always full; we buy extra space on clouds. What is this obsession of gathering that we have? When I shifted out from my hostel I had so many books that had to cargo it back home, it was almost a century of kilograms! I was young, I presumed, didn't know better and kept buying stuff without choosing. Again when I shifted to my husband’s place post marriage, I had boxes and boxes of stuff, even when I gave up equal boxes away. It was crazy! But it was crazier when I started putting up by ...